Property Views

To show detailed information about any subject of an application, such as disk, partition, volume, file etc., KillDisk uses information views. When open, they follow selected changes and show information about the selected item automatically.

Property view

To show property view for selected item do one of the following:

Figure: Property view example

Besides only displaying valuable data, they also allow you to copy that information onto a clipboard by using context menu commands.

Copy Value
Copy only value of selected field in the information view.
Copy Field
Copy formatted name and value field pair.
Copy All
Copy all information as formatted set of name and value pairs.

Figure: Example of Copied Information

S.M.A.R.T. Information

This is another information view, displaying SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology) data of the selected hard drive, if the device supports it. To show this view:

Figure: SMART information for physical device example

SMART data can be used to diagnose disks by showing important information such as Power-on Hours, Reallocated Sectors and Current Pending Sectors

Note: If the Current Pending Sectors parameter is not 0, the disk has bad sectors that will cause problems in the future. Dispose of these disks as soon as possible.