
Active@ Boot Disk

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How to... for KillDisk

How to erase a system disk on iMac or MacBook?

I am trying to use Kill disk to wipe an internal HD on a Macbook. I have booted the machine from another HD, but when I start the erase process it claims that there are a ton of errors and then quits. How to erase an internal system disks on Apple systems?

User have to disable system integrity protection to be able to erase the system disk

How to turn off System Integrity Protection in macOS:

  1. Click the Apple symbol in the Menu bar.
  2. Click Restart…
  3. Hold down Command-R to reboot into Recovery Mode.
  4. Click Utilities.
  5. Select Terminal.
  6. Type csrutil disable.
  7. Press Return or Enter on your keyboard.
  8. Click the Apple symbol in the Menu bar.
  9. Click Restart…

For more information about System Integrity Protection on Mac, read here.

This document is available in PDF format, which requires Adobe® Acrobat® Reader
(Free download):

Size: 714 KB

USER'S GUIDE (Console)
Size: 683 KB

KillDisk Datasheet
Size: 2,44 MB

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