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How to... for KillDisk Software

How to customize WinPE image with registered KillDisk for use in a network PXE boot environment?

Note: To modify Windows PE image (WIM) you need to have Windows ADK installed.

  1. Start the Boot Disk Creator form Windows Start menu and prepare a bootable media. For KillDisk settings fill in the data on App Config page. Let's assume that the Boot Disk media has an F: letter in our environment.

  2. Run Windows Command Prompt as an Administrator.
    Using the Windows Search Bar
  3. Create an empty directory C:\MOUNT and mount BOOT.WIM file using the DISM tool:
    Command: Dism /mount-image /imagefile:F:\sources\boot.wim /index:1 /mountdir:C:\mount
  4. Replace BOOTDISK.KEY in C:\MOUNT directory with BOOTDISK.KEY located at the root of Boot Disk media (F:\ BOOTDISK.KEY). This file is required and contains user's registration information.
  5. Copy your company logo file from Boot Disk media (located F:\_kd\images1.jpg) to C:\MOUNT directory.
  6. Open settings.xml file on Boot Disk media (F:\_kd\settings.xml) for edit using Notepad. Change path for your company logo file to X:\

    Copy modified settings.xml to C:\MOUNT\PROGRAM FILES\BOOTDISK\.
  7. Create folder BootDisk_Scripts in C:\MOUNT\PROGRAM FILES\BOOTDISK\. In any text editor (Notepad) create script file and copy it to the newly created folder BootDisk_Scripts. For example:
    cd x:\program files\bootdisk\
    call killdisk.exe -em=0 -p=1 -v=11 -eh=5 -id -fp -bp 

  8. Dismount the BOOT.WIM image and commit the changes you applied:
    Command: Dism /Unmount-Image /MountDir:C:\mount /commit

  9. Use prepared customized F:\SOURCES\BOOT.WIM in a network PXE boot environment.


For more information how to configure PXE boot server read Microsoft official documentation.

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USER'S GUIDE (Console)
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KillDisk Datasheet
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